Determine the Thousand Grain Weight precisely with the elmor C3 seed counter

18. Jan 2020 | All

The thousand grain weight TGW (also called 1000 grain mass) is an important quality criterion in seed tests, which must be determined with great accuracy. The TGW or the derived value “number of parts per gram” are also an important parameters in the production and quality control of technical and pharmaceutical granules. Using an additional software module, an electronic balance and a special base frame, the elmor C3 precision counter can be used to directly determine the TGW of a sample. Both the C3 and the scale are connected to the control computer. A freely selectable quantity is counted and falls on the weighing pan. At the end of the counting process, the weight of the sample and the corresponding number of particles are automatically transferred to the PC, where the TGW is calculated. This is all done without manual input, so errors are avoided. The equipment allows tests to be carried out in accordance with ISO 520.